
Giving Better, Giving Smarter: Renewing Philanthropy in America

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(9.5 Mb)

(13 Mb)

"Chapter 2: The Dimensions of Giving": (9 Mb)

"Chapter 3: National Survey Findings": (15 Mb)

"Chapter 4: The Economics of Giving": (6.5 Mb)

"Chapter 5: A Brief History of American Charity": (12.5 Mb)

"Chapter 6: The Need for Wiser Giving": (7.5 Mb)

"Chapter 7: Institutional Philanthropy & Religious Giving": (13.5 Mb)

"Chapter 8: Recognizing Successful Recipients": (13.5 Mb)

"Chapter 9: Lessons Learned": (7 Mb)

"Notes": (2.5 Mb)

"Book Bios": (4 Mb)

Full PDF download available below.