World Politics Review

China Advances on Missile Defense, With Eye on Dissuading Rivals

Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Political-Military Analysis

On July 23, China conducted its third declared ballistic missile defense (BMD) test in the past four years, with the Defense Ministry announcing afterward that the test had But it would be premature to conclude that Beijing now embraces BMD. China lacks the capabilities to establish an operational missile defense network, even as Chinese officials continue to attack U.S.-sponsored BMD efforts. Instead, the recent tests are designed primarily to overcome adversary missile defenses as well as to develop China’s anti-satellite systems, a capability renounced by the United States as strategically destabilizing, which ironically is the same argument the Chinese make about BMD.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) previously conducted announced missile defense tests in January 2010 and January 2013. Although the Chinese government has provided fewer details about the latest test, that the PLA on this occasion had tested an intermediate-range battlefield system comparable to the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. The two previous tests involved a “land-based mid-course missile interception,” which in U.S. terminology implies a system having a range comparable to the THAAD or the Navy’s Standard Missile-3 systems. ...